Finding Connection Across Continents During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Finding Connection Across Continents During the Covid-19 Pandemic U.S. Students Mentoring Youth in Africa By: Miranda Barnard and Julie Arko When the pandemic hit, students around the country were suddenly left without the socio-developmental interactions they enjoyed and shared within the structures of their academic institutions.   “The pandemic was unexpected and placed a huge […]

Kylie Rhead – World Coordinator

Kylie loves to serve others. She spent a year and a half in Canada among people of all cultures, and while there she learned how unifying and edifying knowledge is. When she returned to the University, she recognized the power of reading in gaining knowledge and broadening perspective. Her goal is to be able to […]

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Donec dictum libero vel orci malesuada mattis. Suspendisse libero ante, varius ac laoreet vel, blandit eget lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed porta, arcu sit amet consequat fermentum, erat est ullamcorper tortor, sed eleifend urna dolor vitae sem.

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Donec dictum libero vel orci malesuada mattis. Suspendisse libero ante, varius ac laoreet vel, blandit eget lacus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed porta, arcu sit amet consequat fermentum, erat est ullamcorper tortor, sed eleifend urna dolor vitae sem.